Gak Tau Kenapa Saya Nulis Ini

Suatu malam yang disinari cahaya rembulan di rooftop. Ceritanya saya sedang nangis. Taulah cewek, pake nangis ajah, gak tau alasannya kenapa.
‘what happen Ammu? Am I doing something wrong?’ tanyanya
‘nothing. I just wanna cry’ kilahku
‘please Ammu, tell me. Please tell me. I really don’t want to hurt you’
‘I hate it when you always ask me like that. I just need to cry right now. That’s it. Can you just let me cry please’
‘ok. I will stop talking and let you cry’ 5 detik kemudian
‘but Ammmuuu, I cant stop talking if you are with me. Talk to me please’
Nyebellin gak sih ini?. Seriusan, saya gak jadi nangis. Jadi sih, tapi kepotong lanjutnya jadi ngakak.


15 menit telat dijemput.
Saya masuk mobil muka masam, banting pintu.
Gak langsung jalan. Saya diliatin dulu 2 detik.
‘sorry Ammu, really… really sorry, I just take pray before come. Please forgive me’
‘its ok. Just drive’ muka ditekuk setekuk tekuknya
‘Ammu, please understand..’
‘hey, I said its fine. Its ok’
‘but your face not say so’
Trus pasang muka gak ditekuk, tapi masih keliatan bekas tekuknya.
‘nooohh, its not your normal face’
Hish, ngotot banget sih….
Muka dinormal normalkan lagi….
‘still, its not your normal face’
2 menit saya ubah ubah wajah saya sebisa bisanya sampe pegal urat urat wajah saya. Sampai akhirnya saya ngakak sendiri.


Di suatu ketika gara gara sesuatu dan lain hal yang tidak saya ingat lagi akar permasalahannya apa.
‘you just same like any other guy’ kataku.
‘but  you said, I am different’ tuntutnya
‘now you just same like them’ tegasku
‘really?’ sedih dia dibilang sama ajah kayak yang laennya
‘so, you want me to say that you are different from other guys?’ tanyaku
‘before you said so’!’ masih nuntut pengen dibilang kalau dia beda
‘so, you want me to say that you are not like them who love girls? So, you love guys also?’
‘what? Its… emm… what is that mean?! Why you could say it like that?! i.. its… i.. I don’t know what to say. I m confused now’
Saya yaaa jadinya ngakak lagi lah.


Edisi pengen berantem kesekian kalinya.
‘Ammu, I leave my cousin, I am soo tired of doing my job today and just finish, and only because I want to meet you, I drove from khalifa port for two hours only want to meet you and you just silent?’
‘what you want me to say?’
‘you always say something Ammu. Please say something’
Hih, dikiranya saya radio?! Ngomong terus gak berenti?!
‘now, I just want to be silent’ tegasku
‘but I come not to see you silent Ammu’
Yaaaa eeellaaah, maksanya pake banget sih inih orang.
‘alright, I will talk, I will talk as long as you want me to say something. You know what. Today, ………bla …. Bla…. Blaaa…..’ saya ngomong gak berenti ada 15 menitan….
‘Ammmu, stop please. Its too much’
Yasssalaaaam…. Saya gak pernah bener yaaah pilih teman bergaul?!

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