Things to do in Vietnam as Seaman

Things to do in Vietnam as Seaman

Other than Rusia, Vietnam also scares me.

I dont know why. my colleague said not nice things about Vietnam. We even couldnt go out to the city. We could if we would but...

The Visa is extremely expensive even only to visit for few hours.

but anyhow, i manage to try some souvenirs near the ships and got pictures of them

[caption id="attachment_58" align="alignnone" width="999"]Things to do in Vietnam as Seaman Things to do in Vietnam as Seaman. Port is enough. Not brave enough to visit the city[/caption]

I am sorry, that's the best i could do to show you Vietnam


Guys, Gals, my name is Ami

I am Indonesian Seaman (oke, Seawoman, seafarar, whatever they called it). that makes me travel the world and got paid. if you are willing to know more of how i do this. feel free to contact me

WA saya 08115995950

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