Things to do in Greece as Seaman

Seaman Grand Tour in Greece

Seaman grand tour in Greece. I need to tell you this. If you are a seaman and your ship port in any port in the world, automatically you will know what you can do.

Which is immidiately out from the ship after your working hour and enjoy your off time on shore.

This is what i do when we port in Heraclion, Greece. i am not sure if this is in Heraclion or Creeta. whatever, as long as this is in Greece.

[caption id="attachment_60" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Seaman grand tour in Greece Seaman grand tour in greece[/caption]

yes, i am good in posing

[caption id="attachment_61" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Greece Pose Greece Pose[/caption]

The city is quite nice.

This is all near the port. i would not go far from home (the ship)

I save money and yet, still can provide you with nice pictures.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2048"]Greece Port Greece Port[/caption]


Guys, Gals, my name is Ami

I am Indonesian Seaman (oke, Seawoman, seafarar, whatever they called it). that makes me travel the world and got paid. if you are willing to know more of how i do this. feel free to contact me

WA saya 08115995950

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