No Law Restricts Woman To Be Onboard As Electrician

No Law Restricts Woman To Be Onboard As Electrician

[su_dropcap size="4"]N[/su_dropcap]o Law Restricts Woman To Be Onboard As Electrician, ss the only lady in this room (Electro Workshop), i need to adjust... very much adjust with men power.

*if you know what i mean


So, They are 7 Electrician, 1crosstrainee (me), and the bosses. Among them, i feel handsome and macho.

I bet there were never a soft scream, sighing (oufth, i have no idea why i sigh a lot, soft sigh of course, the sigh that men always like. Buuahhahaha *evil grin again, i am sorry, will continue writing)

And 24hours hours in a day, even only 2 hours in workshop, that feel enough.

This last picture was about how i excitedly dismantle the vacuum cleaner till the very last screw, but then the problem was very very simple.. I cursed myself and feel happy in the same time. :D

And even that there is no law, yes, restrict women to be in Electrical Workshop working with the guys, but still deep inside i feel 'lack' in everything. weak, lacking of skills, power, strength, everything, being nervous, everything, but evenhow, being among the electricians bright the day.

When they think i look stupid, i would try my best to at least not ruin things.


[su_animate type="tada"]BIKIN KEPENGEN BACA YANG INI JUGA[/su_animate]
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